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IF is divided into four major sections

front COVER jpeg.jpg (9454 bytes)back COVER web.jpg (46211 bytes)The first section deals primarily with the tools that designers, illustrators and product managers require and the thought process required to make the best choice of tool for the situation.  IF provides a basic croquis for each of the major proportions covered further in depth, a reference guide to use in the choice of media and papers, a key to some basic balanced composition formulas and a detailed discussion on the importance of sketching in the industry and the role that it plays.

The second section divides each chapter by the basic markets and proportions.  Each chapter in this section focuses not only on the proportion, but also the styling details both of the clothing and the illustration that make each design appropriate for the market.  Within these pages, the students can immerse themselves in the specific market.  Guided by the teacher, the pages can be used as the basis for design, illustration, product development and marketing discussions.  IF provides a platform on which the class can be built – the  goal being a total understanding of the specific market and a recognition of how all the cogs must work together.

The third section addresses the evolution of design.  This chapter exists to further hone the students’ skills in order to adapt their designs based on what is expected and wanted from their particular customer.  All designers are inspired at relatively the same time by the same things – certainly given the existence of predictive services, many design houses are looking at the same concept boards and color palettes.  The key to being truly successful lies in being able to adapt theses images and translate them effectively to a particular market.  What works for the designer market will not be appealing to the Missy customer.  This is where taste comes into play.  Each market has its own taste, its own boundaries due to body type and its own price point and mark up that have to be acknowledged. By presenting a series of four markets side by side both in illustration and callout form, the differences as well as the similarities can be observed and studied.

The fourth section pin points what have become specialty niches in the industry.  Due mainly to the very specific end use of the product, or the specialty nature of the fabrication, IF singles out these areas for their own study.  As the true growth areas of the industry, these niche products require further exploration.

245 web.jpg (43745 bytes)005 web.jpg (26201 bytes)The index for the book has been designed as a working tool rather than as a reference guide.  As each of the “proportions” have been represented in the specialty markets as well as the chapter dedicated to that market, the index is broken into key points of reference -  proportions and media.  In this way, the student can use all the pages that illustrate that market, not just the ones from the specific chapter.  For example: the junior girls chapter is thirteen pages long, but there are twenty-nine pages that include junior girl illustrations.  The additional pages can be found in the specialty sections such as swimwear, active, denim styling and full fashion knits.  The media used is the second key point of reference.  Student and teacher alike can easily find reference for how a specific media has been used to translate the design on the page.

All four sections have a singular mission – to teach the student how to truly participate in the design process.